This is fabulous. I mean really fabulous. Just don't be on a diet because this is not figure friendly. It is a great meal to serve to company. Or on a night that you need grilled comfort food! I served mine with mashed turnips from our garden. It may have a lot of ingredients, but it is pretty easy to make. For this recipe you will need:
2 tablespoon olive oil, divided
1/2 onion, roughly chopped
1 garlic clove, roughly chopped
4 ounces cremini mushrooms, roughly chopped
2 links Italian sausage, finely chopped
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 large corn muffin
Dash of Italian seasoning
1 Pork Tenderloin

1.) In a medium fry pan, heat up 1 tablespoon of the oil. Add the onion, the garlic, the mushrooms and the sausage. Keep crumbling the sausage. Cook until the sausage is done, the mushroom and onions have wilted and are slightly sauteed. Add salt and pepper. Using your fingers, crumble in the corn muffin. Add the dash of Italian seasoning. Time for a quality control check. Taste the stuffing to make sure it has adequate seasonings.
2.) On a piece of was paper, butterfly the tenderloin by cutting it in half almost all the way through, but not quite. Cover with another piece of was paper. Using either a mallet or a rolling pin. Roll out the tenderloin to try to make it an even flatness. It will be about an inch thick. Put the stuffing on the tenderloin. Do not go all the way out to the edges. Put any leftover stuffing in a foil packet and put on the top rack of the grill.

3.) Start preheating the grill to high. Secure the tenderloin with with toothpicks or butchers twine. (I normally use butcher's twine but my husband used it to secure the flowers and the tomatoes!) Brush the tenderloin with the other tablespoon of oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
4.) Sear the tenderloin on the grill, making sure all sides of the tenderloin are browned. Reduce the heat to low and cover the tenderloin with foil. Close the lid and cook for about another 15 - 20 minutes. Grill until the internal temperature reaches 140 degrees.
5.) Remove from the grill and allow to sit for 10 minutes. Slice and serve with the Beurre Blanc sauce below.
Peach Whiskey Beurre Blanc
oil, for coating peaches
2 peaches, halved and pitted
7 tablespoons, cubed and chilled
1/2 onion, chopped
1 jalapeno pepper diced
1/2 teaspoon minced fresh ginger
1/4 cup whiskey
1/2 cup half and half
1.) Lightly oil the peaches and put them on the grill for about 3-5 minutes, until they are soft and have grill marks. Chop them into pieces.
2.) In a saucepan put 1 tablespoon of the butter and melt. Add the onion, the jalapeno, the ginger and the peaches. Saute for about 5 minutes.
3.) Remove from heat. Add the whiskey, return to heat and allow it to reduce by half.
4.) Add the half and half and let it reduce again. Strain the sauce through a sieve.
5.) Stir in the balance of the butter until smooth and serve over the tenderloin slices.